22 March 2024
Learn how our account managers advise and help our clients to find solutions, allowing you to focus on growth.


  • Allianz Trade assigns dedicated account managers to all clients in the GCC, providing personalized support and guidance.
  • Account managers serve as main contacts, coordinating with Allianz Trade departments to swiftly address client needs.
  • Account managers advocate for clients, ensuring policies align with their needs, fostering trust and transparency.


Tell us about your customers, and we'll tell you about the trade risks... and opportunities.

Protecting cashflows can be a daunting prospect for any business, especially when the outlook for global trade is so uncertain. More than ever, you need a trusted ally who understands your business and can advise how best to protect your liquidity, enabling you to trade and grow with confidence.

Whether you are a mid-sized business or multinational, all of Allianz Trade’s clients in GCC are assigned an expert account manager who acts as an advisor and advocate. Their sole objective is to support you throughout your journey, helping you overcome external challenges and advocating on your behalf within Allianz Trade, ensuring you receive the best service possible.

To explain the full level of support provided by our account managers, we asked Yuliia Nahorniuk, Senior Account Manager and Halah Alhamdani, Senior Account Manager K.S.A, at Allianz Trade in Middle East to discuss the role they play in supporting our clients, and how their actions contribute towards our customers’ growth.

"As an account manager for Allianz Trade in Middle East, I serve as the main point of contact for our valued customers. Whenever a client encounters an issue, regardless of its nature, they rely on me to swiftly navigate towards a resolution," explains Yuliia

Customer questions can arise at any point during a policy’s lifecycle. You may want to know the right period to apply for credit limits, or you might need a more detailed explanation of your policy terms. Alternatively, you may require advice on the right time to submit a claim, or you may need reassurance that you are covered for a particular shipment or for the provision of a certain service.

If the account manager is unable to answer any of these questions themselves, they act as a facilitator, liaising with colleagues in claims, risk management, underwriting or any other team, to get the information you need, as swiftly and efficiently as possible.

All in all, Allianz Trade account managers represent, more than anybody else, an extension of your own teams and act in their best capacity to advise and support you.

“Typically, as an account manager we serve as the primary point of contact for our customers, addressing most of their inquiries. We authentically represent our client's perspective within Allianz Trade, striving to empower them to grow their business confidently” explains Halah.

Allianz Trade in Middle East is the leading Trade Credit Insurer in the region, with a rich ecosystem of resources at its disposal. The account manager’s role is to guide the client and advocate on their behalf within the organization, ensuring their policy works for them every step of the way.

"The key interactions crucial for our clients often revolve around risk assessments and credit limits" explains Yuliia. "For instance, if the risk team assigns a credit limit lower than what our client anticipates, they often request me to advocate on their behalf, appealing to the risk team for a reconsideration. Acting as a liaison, I convey any supplementary financial information provided by the client to the risk team, enhancing their argument" says Yuliia.

If the account manager thinks their client has a strong case they may decide to escalate their request through the risk management team. It is important that the client is heard and their appeal is pushed as far as possible.

“If the appeal is successful, great,” says Yuliia. “If it’s not, it’s my responsibility to discuss the decision with the client and give them a detailed explanation why.”

Unlike many other forms of insurance, effective trade credit insurance cover often requires frequent conversations between underwriters, customers and your broker (if you have one).
Our trade credit insurance policies evolve as these customer conversations develop and your business grows. For us, a policy isn’t a static agreement, it is a living entity which reflects your constantly changing needs. Our account managers are responsible for nurturing this living entity, helping you manage your policy, providing support on cover requests and, if necessary, assisting with claims and collections. Every step of your journey, our account managers ensure your policy is aligned with your best interests. 

The provision of bespoke insurance solutions is a key part of our “policy as a living entity” approach. While off-the-shelf products may be  suitable, and more cost effective, for the majority of our clients, a more tailored approach to trade credit insurance is required.

“For example, a financial institution in KSA may be looking to provide funding to a company or a sector they may not be 100% sure about,” explains Halah. “We would have discussions with them, understand the business they’re looking to provide funding for, and then create a unique clause in the policy with tailored wording to make sure the financial institution is protected. Obviously, Allianz Trade has to be happy to cover this risk, but this will be part of our client conversation as we work to ensure that the policy works for everyone.”

Our account managers are highly experienced professionals from commercial backgrounds.

“The account management role plays such a big part in the success of our customers, that you can’t help but become emotionally invested in what you do,” Halah explains. “And I’m sure it’s the same for the rest of my colleagues. I think it’s the probably the best role in Allianz Trade in Middle East and it’s such an incredible privilege to be part of the customer journey, working with our clients and sharing their hopes and ambitions.”

Allianz Trade is the global leader in trade credit insurance and credit management, offering tailored solutions to mitigate the risks associated with bad debt, thereby ensuring the financial stability of businesses. Our products and services help companies with risk management, cash flow management, accounts receivables protection, Surety bonds, business fraud Insurance, debt collection processes and e-commerce credit insurance ensuring the financial resilience for our client’s businesses. Our expertise in risk mitigation and finance positions us as trusted advisors, enabling businesses aspiring for global success to expand into international markets with confidence.

Our business is built on supporting relationships between people and organizations, relationships that extend across frontiers of all kinds - geographical, financial, industrial, and more. We are constantly aware that our work has an impact on the communities we serve and that we have a duty to help and support others. At Allianz Trade, we are strongly committed to fairness for all without discrimination, among our own people and in our many relationships with those outside our business.