• The escalation of the conflict between Russia and the Ukraine is likely to have important economic and financial consequences through three main transmission channels — energy, trade, and the financial sector — depending how current and future sanctions will play out. Note that Russia is in a stronger position than it was in 2014 economically speaking.
  • As the world reopens from Covid-19 with higher inflation, disrupted energy and supply chains, and sensitive financial markets, our scenario “Conflict escalation” highlight impacts on Europe’s inflation (+100bps), growth (-0.5pp), equity markets (-10%), sovereign and corporate spreads (+20-60bps), and policy outlook (dovish pivot, fiscal support reloaded to offset impact). Severity of sanctions is a clear gradient for economic and financial markets outcomes.
  • In an extreme “Black-out” scenario in which Russia turns off Europe’s gas supply, the natural gas price would rise to an average of 140 EUR/MW, because alternative suppliers are limited. This would add up to +2.5pp to our current Eurozone inflation forecast of 3.8% this year. As for the headwinds to economic growth, a recession will be all but certain.

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Trade risk higher than before corona

Trade risks have risen post-COVID, with 87% of sectors in Belgium now at 'medium' or 'elevated' risk. Key sectors like construction and textiles face increased default threats. Read more.

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Rising credit risks in Europe: what does it mean?

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The rise of AI and the evolving role of CFOs

Discover how AI is transforming the role of CFOs. Edouard Priet from Allianz Trade explains how real-time insights and analyses help CFOs with growth and risk management. Watch the video for more.

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