These guarantees ensure proper payment compliance and are required by a contract signed between two private entities or between a private entity and a public entity.
They are provided to national borrowers for national beneficiaries. The guarantees in question target various sectors of activity and can complement, sometimes even compete with, Credit Insurance solutions, trade finance or the usual bank guarantees provided by financial entities.
In the event of a commercial transaction, supported by a contract, there may be a need for the supplier to ask its customer for a good payment deposit to reduce the risk of the operation.
They ensure the proper fulfillment of obligations to provide services or deliver goods to which the entity (taker/supplier) is obliged, through a contract, in exchange for receiving part or all the price paid by the customer in advance.
They are provided to national borrowers for national beneficiaries. The application is transversal to several sectors of activity, except for the construction sector, with the need for these guarantees being more present in the molds, heavy machinery, vehicles and equipment sectors. Sectors with a long manufacturing and credit cycle, with the practice of advance payments.
If there is a commercial transaction, supported by a contract, it is possible for the supplier to issue an advance deposit to its customer to reduce the risk of the operation.