Dan North, Chief Economist Euler Hermes North America

About Dan North

Since 1996, Dan North has been with Allianz Trade, the world’s oldest and largest credit insurance company. As the company’s senior economist for North America, he uses macroeconomic and quantitative analyses to help manage Allianz Trade’ risk portfolio of over $170B in U.S. trade transactions.

As one of the leading U.S. economists, Dan North has appeared on CNBC, Fox Business News, ABC News Now, France 24, and Bloomberg Radio and Television. He has been quoted by USA Today, Barron’s, Bloomberg Business Week, The Washington Post, Paris Le Monde, and The Wall Street Journal. After having predicted the 2008/2009 recession and its implications accurately, Dan North was ranked 4th on Bloomberg’s list of the 65 top economic forecasters in 2010.

With a cyclical economy, we continue to observe a significant surge in the volume and size of claims filed by our customers in North America. To illustrate the sector volatility throughout the past few years, here’s an overview of the claims trends and the current risk assessments from 2022 to June 2024.
Dan is always producing new content to help businesses understand economic trends and navigate trade uncertainty.
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