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Aug 29, 2024

Insolvency Protection: A Comprehensive Guide For Businesses

The May Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose more than expected. Read Dan North's Report to learn about current inflation trends.
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Aug 29, 2024

What to Do If a Company Goes Bankrupt and Owes You Money

If your business extends credit to a company that files for bankruptcy, you may have to face unpaid debts. Learn how to protect your cash flow with Euler Hermes.
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open wallet that is empty

Aug 29, 2024

Insolvency vs Bankruptcy: Key Differences Explained

Learn about accounts receivable management best practices to help avoid customer non-payment.
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How to Generate Increases in Working Capital

Aug 29, 2024

7 Ways to Increase Working Capital

Working capital is a vital part of any business. Learn how you can improve your working capital ratio and safely grow your business with Allianz Trade.
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Aug 29, 2024

How to Prevent Cash Flow Problems

How to improve cash flow management to face unexpected cash flow problems in business with more confidence? Check out our tips.
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Aug 29, 2024

5 financial KPIs you should follow on a daily basis

Discover the 5 KPIs that will allow you to analyse your financial performance, predict growth and help you turn a profit.
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Aug 26, 2024

Invoice Factoring: Advantages, Drawbacks, And Alternatives

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Aug 19, 2024

Financial KPIs to prevent payment defaults

Which financial indicators can allow you to avoid being in a situation of payment default with your suppliers? Find out in this article.
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Aug 16, 2024

How to Overcome Sales Expansion Challenges

In today’s economic climate, growing your business likely feels more daunting than ever. Learn how to overcome sales expansion challenges in 2021 and beyond.
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Aug 14, 2024

How to Manage International Business Risk

Managing international financial and business risks can be complex and nuanced. Read on to learn how to manage economic risk in international business.
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Take Control of Tomorrow: How to Prepare Your Business for a Recession

Aug 14, 2024

How to Prepare Your Business for a Recession

Check out our list of eight strategies you can implement now to better ready your company to face a future recession.
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Aug 12, 2024

Impact of Outstanding Balances on Business

This article explores how outstanding balances impact business health in multifaceted ways, from liquidity and working capital to relationships and growth.
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177 releases in total