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Global Insolvency Outlook 2020

Why Portmade chose surety bonds from Allianz Trade

Discover how a major player in the world of customs activities and logistics in need of flexible surety bonds selected its surety provider.
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Global Insolvency Outlook 2020

Acer’s partnership with Allianz Trade: a risk sharing approach

Discover Acer’s hybrid credit risk management model and learn how Allianz Trade supports them thanks to bespoke trade credit insurance.
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Arcoplex trade credit insurance

Trade credit insurance: an essential tool for Arcoplex since 2013

Discover how Arcoplex uses trade credit insurance to support their credit management and their business strategy for the future. Read their testimonial.
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Global Insolvency Outlook 2020

NAP Industries: dealing with a customer bankruptcy

Discover how NAP industries could focus on growing their business thanks to trade credit insurance despite the bankruptcy of a major customer.
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Global Insolvency Outlook 2020

How trade credit insurance supported RCR Flooring’s growth

Discover how trade credit insurance helps RCR Flooring improve its credit risk management and develop its business. Read the testimonial.
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23 releases in total