Allianz Climate Literacy Survey

Oct 27, 2021

Allianz Climate Literacy Survey: Time to leave climate neverland

Though COP26 is the center of attention, climate literacy seems to be worryingly low in Germany, France, Italy, the UK and the US.
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Oct 21, 2021

IPOs: turbocharged by private equity

IPO volumes are set to hit a new record in 2021, offering investors higher return potential than traded equity, albeit with higher risk. But choosing the right IPO depends on more than just geographical location and sector.
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Energy prices and inflation

Oct 20, 2021

Energy prices & inflation: Backwardation keeps inflation expectations anchored

However, there are emerging signs of de-anchoring inflation expectations if the energy crisis drags on for too long.
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China's economic slowdownCauses and consequences, at home and abroad

Oct 15, 2021

China’s great crunch: causes and consequences, at home and abroad

A mix of temporary and self-inflicted factors has sparked a sudden slowdown in China, which we expect to continue through Q4 2021 and the beginning of next year.
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Energy prices

Oct 11, 2021

Energy prices in Europe: (a costly) winter is coming

Pent-up demand, tight supply, green policy and bad timing are the recipe for skyrocketing energy prices, which could take three to six months to cool down.
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Allianz Global Wealth Report 2021

Oct 07, 2021

Allianz Global Wealth Report 2021

Global financial assets increased by +9.7% in 2020, reaching the magic EUR200trn mark for the first time.
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Euler Hermes Global Insolvency Report 2021

Oct 06, 2021

Insolvencies: We’ll be back

The withdrawal of support measures for companies sets the stage for a gradual normalization of business insolvencies.
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Saving vs. hoarding

Oct 01, 2021

Money supply, saving & hoarding: What you see is not what you get

There's a difference between saving and hoarding.
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Inflation outlook 2021

Sep 28, 2021

Eurozone: reflation is not stagflation

We continue to believe that the current cyclical price pressures are unlikely to morph into a long-lasting inflation trend.
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