The flaw in the liquidity paradigm: lessons from China

May 31, 2021

The flaw in the liquidity paradigm: lessons from China

The only place where people can put their money is into someone else’s pocket.
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French export barometer 2021

May 27, 2021

French export barometer: 8 out of 10 companies aim to increase exports in 2021

The results of the 7th edition of our French export barometer suggest that strong winds of change lie ahead.
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Semiconductor manufacturing in Europe

May 26, 2021

Semiconductors realpolitik : A reality check for Europe

Europe should play the long game, placing chips where they matter the most.
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Public debt in the Eurozone after Covid-19

May 20, 2021

Eurozone government debt - Quo vadis from here?

The Covid-19 debt overhang will prove sticky in the Eurozone.
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Fossil fuel subsidies

May 19, 2021

Abolishing fuel subsidies in a green and just transition

Abolishing fossil fuel subsidies and directing the funds to renewable energy seems like an easy win for the climate. But getting rid of them comes with steep costs for consumers, particularly the poorest households.
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Drivers of growth: Property and casualty insurance

May 14, 2021

Drivers of growth: Property and casualty insurance

Have other explanatory variables already replaced GDP as the decisive factor for insurance market growth?
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Allianz Global Insurance Report 2021

May 12, 2021

Global Insurance Report 2021 - Bruised but not broken

While some regions, especially Asia, will almost seamlessly resume their pre-crisis development as early as 2021, the recovery elsewhere will be much more uncertain.
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Eurozone corporates' pricing power

May 07, 2021

Pricing superpowers: Which sectors have them in the Eurozone?

In the long run, most sectors have (some) pricing power. But the lack of short-term pricing power means low inflation risk in the Eurozone.
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Global Insolvency Report 2021

May 06, 2021

Insolvencies: We'll be back

Massive state interventions helped prevent a significant wave of insolvencies in 2020, but watch out for a normalization from this paradoxical and artificial low, beginning in H2 2021 and gaining traction in 2022.
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