Nov 10, 2023

What to Watch 10 November 2023

Protracted but contained conflict in the Middle East, one step forward, two steps back on climate targets and costs of the Panama Canal drought
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Nov 09, 2023

India: A rising star

By 2030, India will be the second-largest economy in the Asia-Pacific region as strong macro-fundamentals and an improving business environment drive investment-led growth.
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What to Watch 03 November 2023

Nov 03, 2023

What to watch 03 November

The wind sector bust, immigration boosts growth and corporate spreads repricing risk
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Oct 31, 2023

Greening global trade, one container at a time

Promoting trade in environmental goods and low-carbon technologies can be a powerful tool to combat the climate crisis.
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Oct 27, 2023

What to Watch 27 October 2023

The Fed is not done till it’s done, Emerging Asia sovereigns under pressure, stagnating Eurozone growth and banks losing out in Germany and France.
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Oct 26, 2023

A bolt from the blue? Amplified social risk ahead

The ongoing cost-of-living crisis has exacerbated social risk globally, and further widened the gap between advanced economies and emerging markets.
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Oct 19, 2023

What to Watch 19 October 2023

ECB turning point, EU-Mercosur deal in the making, Argentina’s dollarization debate, winds of change in Poland and geopolitics weighing on Chinese equities
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Oct 18, 2023

Global Insolvency Outlook 2023-25: From maul to ruck?

Advantage running out and penalties looming: Most countries are seeing double-digit rebounds in business insolvencies as excess cash dwindles, leaving the most vulnerable corporates caught between a rock and a hard place in 2023
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What to Watch 13 October 2023

Oct 13, 2023

What to Watch 13 October 2023

Fasten your bond belts, Italian spreads v. the ECB, CBAM day 1, India open for bond business and a call to action in honor of Nobel Claudia Goldin.
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