Feb 22, 2022

Jennifer Baert is appointed General Counsel of Euler Hermes Group

Jennifer Baert is appointed Group General Counsel (Secrétaire Générale) of Euler Hermes Group as of March 2022.
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Dec 09, 2021

Global trade to grow in 2022 despite supply-chain disruptions

Global supply-chain disruptions could remain high until H2 2022 amid renewed Covid-19 outbreaks around the world.
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Oct 11, 2021

Ana Boata is appointed Global Head of Economic Research of Euler Hermes Group

Ana Boata, appointed Global Head of Economic Research of Euler Hermes Group.
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Oct 06, 2021

After two years of decline, global insolvencies to rise in 2022

New report observes that the withdrawal of state support measures sets the stage for a gradual normalization of business insolvencies.
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Oct 05, 2021

Euler Hermes and BPL Global's Digital for CPRI market

Delivering the first-ever API-based digital broker-underwriter integration.
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Sep 21, 2021

Renewal of commitment towards Save the Children

Helping Save the Children protect their vital fund for international aid.
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