Jul 16, 2020

Insolvency time bomb: record-high increase in insolvencies

The Covid-19 crisis will trigger a major acceleration in business insolvencies due to both the suddenness and historic size of the economic shock and its expected lasting effects, according to a new study by Euler Hermes, the world’s largest trade credit insurer.
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Jul 10, 2020

Strong Economic Recovery Relies on Safe and Continued Trade

Report commissioned by leading trade credit insurers proposes government reinsurance policy to support U.S. economy
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Jul 06, 2020

Bisnode and Euler Hermes strategic cooperation contract

Bisnode signed with Euler Hermes a contract for the provision of national and international data supporting the servicing of credit insurance provided by Euler Hermes in Poland.
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Apr 16, 2020

Euler Hermes Germany participates in protective shield

The far-reaching agreement will protect German companies and their supply chains in times of the Coronavirus.
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Apr 10, 2020

Euler Hermes joins forces with the French government

Against the backdrop of this exceptional situation that puts the financial health of numerous French companies in peril [...]
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Mar 30, 2020

Euler Hermes supports French businesses in face of the Covid-19 pandemic

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