Performance bond
A performance bond guarantees that you will carry out the project according to your contract and acts as a guarantee for any additional costs that your client will have to bear if you do not respect your agreements.
Maintenance bond
A maintenance bond guarantees that your obligations will be met during the warranty period following the end of the project.During this period, you are responsible for the repair of any defect.
Custom bonds
You need permits to be able to carry out customs formalities. One of the conditions for this is that you must provide a guarantee in the case you could not meet your obligations towards customs.
Completion bond Breyne law
A simple solution for new residential construction projects. We offer a continuous guarantee in which you can place all the new residential houses that you build within the framework of the Breyne law.
Advance pyament bond
In exchange for an advance payment, your customer requires an advance payment bond. This ensures that the advance he has provided will be refunded if you are not able to meet your obligations.
Why choose for Allianz Trade guarantees?

Our AA rating from Standard & Poor's provides your financial partners and beneficiaries with the confidence to trade at home or overseas.

Use our bonds and take the pressure off your bank credit line. The additional liquidity will be available for other calls on cash facilities.

Extend your business into new markets. Benefit from our global insights, local presence and in-depth expertise to meet your need for guarantees.