Brexiting in times of Covid-19

Jan 12, 2021

Brexiting in times of Covid-19

The Covid-19 crisis provides some leeway for policy support to absorb the negative impact from Brexit, but we expect UK GDP to remain -2% below pre-crisis levels at end-2022.
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Economic best wishes for 2021

Dec 18, 2020

'Dear Santa': Our economists' wish list for 2021

As 2020 draws to a close and we release our updated forecasts, our economists were caught day dreaming of a world where their boldest wishes would come true.
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Dec 18, 2020

2021-22: Vaccine economics

The Covid-19 vaccine will supercharge global growth in 2021, but short-term headwinds, and a complete recovery only by 2022, will create transition risks.
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Dec 15, 2020

US & EMU corporate spreads: There is only so much QE can do

Two recent events have cleared the way for a second wave of spread tightening, leading them closer to their pre-pandemic levels.
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Dec 11, 2020

Growing pains: the future of incomes for lockdown Gen-Z

The youth labor market could take a long time to recover after Covid-19.
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Dec 10, 2020

Global Supply Chain Survey - In search of post-Covid-19 resilience

We surveyed 1,181 companies across five countries and six sectors to gauge their experiences with disruption, and their plans to make supply chains more resilient.
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Dec 09, 2020

Wanted: public borrowers of last resort

Recent monetary developments in the EMU are a reminder that it is simplistic and therefore risky to sum up the fuzzy concept of liquidity with QE as if it was the alpha and omega of monetary phenomena.
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ECB policy response

Dec 03, 2020

ECB: another EUR1.6tn in QE to reach the light at the end of the tunnel

The ECB’s December decision will be all about striking a balance between a policy response that is bold enough in the context of dire short-term prospects but flexible enough to respond to potential upside risks to the 2021 outlook.
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France, Covid-19, retail

Dec 02, 2020

France: Improved confidence will boost consumer spending by EUR10bn in 2021

Household confidence will play a key role in France's economic recovery from the Covid-19 crisis.
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