New lockdowns in emerging Europe

Nov 16, 2020

Emerging Europe: The balance of risks is tilted to the downside

New lockdowns will send Emerging Europe into a double-dip recession in Q4.
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zero interest rates

Nov 11, 2020

Zero interest rates: redistribution through the backdoor

Zero interest rates have resulted in the “transfer” of billions of euros from private households to the state and corporate sector. The intermediating banks, too, have suffered in the process, big time.
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Nov 10, 2020

Emerging markets: heading for a China-less recovery?

Angola, Kenya, Ethiopia, Ecuador and Ghana, along with Brazil and South Africa, could struggle to find alternative international sources for funding, investment and trade to sustain their economic growth.
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Nov 09, 2020

Joe Biden's victory: reconciliation economics

Part of Biden's program will entail reducing inequalities and redistributing wealth without over-penalizing companies
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US elections Biden Trump

Nov 06, 2020

The U.S. elections turn into a judiciary battle: What’s next?

The political situation in the U.S. could be frozen until January 2021, even as government intervention is urgently needed to smooth the economic impact of a second Covid-19 wave.
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Nov 05, 2020

Delayed but not derailed: The Eurozone recovery after 'lockdown light'

Lockdown 2.0 in Europe embodies the stop-and-go strategy, which should follow epidemic cycles until a post-vaccine return to normal in 2022.
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Nov 03, 2020

Consumers and climate policy: Wash me but don’t get me wet

On average 46% of French and 44% of Germans respondents are not prepared to pay more for climate-friendly products.
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China dual circulation

Oct 29, 2020

Dual circulation: China’s way of reshoring?

The dual circulation strategy is likely to take center stage in China’s 14th five-year plan as a way towards more sustainable growth, making the country less reliant on factors outside of its control.
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Sporting goods Covid-19

Oct 28, 2020

Healthier tomorrows? Sporting goods a rare bright spot in Covid times

We expect U.S. retail sales of sporting goods to hit an all-time high of USD48bn in 2020.
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