Large companies: Working Capital Requirement hit its worst level since 2012 at 70 days

Jul 17, 2019

Large companies: Working Capital Requirement hit its worst level since 2012 at 70 days

A new study, jointly produced by Euler Hermes Economic Research and Euler Hermes Rating, focuses on Working Capital as a key indicator of the financial situation and behavior of corporates. It complements previous studies that pointed out the reactivating of self-discipline of corporates in their Days Sale Outstanding (DSO), and the unusual accumulation of inventories by corporates, giving an enlarged view on the financial situation and behavior of corporates.
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Is the world economy back in limbo?

Jul 05, 2019

Is the world economy back in limbo?

After two years of strong growth, the world economy is “back to purgatory” due to global uncertainties, the US-China trade feud and the drawbacks of financial repression, according to Euler Hermes’ international macroeconomic scenario for 2019 and 2020.
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Is a painful destocking in stock for European corporates?

Jun 27, 2019

Is a painful destocking in stock for European corporates?

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Florence Lecoutre, Global Head of Human Resources shares her vision about a people-centric strategy

Jun 15, 2019

Florence Lecoutre shares her vision about a people-centric strategy

Florence Lecoutre, Board Member, shares her vision about a people-centric strategy, aiming at supporting our employees in skills development, fostering mobility and strengthening inclusion culture.
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Stricter regulation could force European SMEs to rely more on non-banks for their financing needs

Jun 05, 2019

Stricter regulation could force European SMEs to rely more on non-banks for their financing needs

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Indian Elections: What policies should the new government put in place to boost business?

May 28, 2019

Indian Elections: What policies should the new government put in place to boost business?

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