6 Ways to Grow Your Business Using Credit Insurance

Recap from this infographic, Six Ways to Grow Your Business with Credit Insurance

  1. Increase Market Share: Offer better terms and raise credit limits to grow sales and enhance customer relationships
  2. Boost Market Penetration: Evaluate credit risks, prequalify customers and have added protection to confidently add new buyers
  3. Expand to Foreign Markets: Make strategic credit decisions and offer competitive terms overseas, eliminating cash in advance or letters of credit
  4. Grow with a Key Customer: Aggressively grow sales with a key customer without the worry of concentration risk
  5. Obtain Financing: Insured receivables translate to secured collateral which means more working capital at more favorable rates
  6. Support Acquisitions: Create coherent credit processes, take control of receivables in a safe way, and understand the credit worthiness of the new customer portfolio
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