Start the year off right: Five tips for ensuring workplace mental wellbeing

6 January 2022
January can be a challenging month for people returning to work. New Year expectations, shorter daylight hours, potentially colder climate as well as leaving family and friends after the holiday season can all contribute to lower spirits. The third Monday of January is even dubbed “Blue Monday” thanks to this widespread phenomenon.

We tend to focus a lot on physical health at this time of year, but concentrating on keeping our mental health levels up – is also hugely important. Practising self-mindfulness helps me start my year off right – and here are my top five tips to help you do the same.
I try to think of January as a reset: a fresh start. I feel lucky to have spent time with my family and friends over the holiday period and I try to bring that positive mindset into the new year both personally and professionally. I find that thinking positively both relieves internal pressure and helps me to feel excited for what’s to come. To help you get into that mindset, you could try writing a list of things you are thankful for, or intentions for the new year.
Every year I have a “paperwork cleanse,” recycling – metaphorically and otherwise – papers that are no longer useful. Having less clutter helps me think clearly and feel more organised, which is crucial in my day-to-day as a commercial underwriter at Allianz Trade. If, like me, you never know what your day will look like, why not consider trying a digital organisation tool to help prioritise tasks? It’s the perfect time of year to start!
The first weeks back after end-of-year holidays can be relatively quiet for many businesses, which is an ideal opportunity for communication. If possible, I recommend picking up the phone and having a conversation; it’s a great way to build and maintain relationships. I keep a continuous open conversation with my colleagues, asking them about plans, goals and concerns, which keeps our focuses aligned. A bonus is that these conversations can generate interesting ideas for the year, too. 
Maintaining work/life balance is increasingly challenging. So, while setting professional goals is important, try to focus on personal growth, too. My goal in 2021 was to read more. It’s a relaxing activity for me, but it also helps expand my vocabulary and writing proficiency, which has had tangible benefits for me professionally. Even without upskilling, personal growth activities support self-mindfulness, which will positively impact your work life. This year, I’d like to cook more – and you can hold me to that!
Learning not just when to walk away from a difficult situation, but what works for you as a stress reliever is essential for mental wellness. I call this a “calming mechanism.” It could be really simple, like getting up and doing stretches or going for a short walk. It could be setting clear boundaries and implementing them. Or maybe it’s a conversation with a colleague to help keep things in perspective or problem solve. Personally, I find that a simple routine such as drinking a hot beverage goes a long way to restore balance!
I feel refreshed and excited to continue growing within my role, and I look forward to experiencing everything that the new year brings. Knowing that Allianz Trade is an organisation that promotes mental wellbeing at work is a big draw – I know that my colleagues, and the wider team, are there to support me.

Marie Puzin

Commercial Underwriter