Jul 04, 2023

More emissions than meet the eye: Decarbonizing the ICT sector

Even without taking into account the cryptocurrency boom, the global ICT sector emits as much greenhouse gases as the aviation sector.
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Jun 29, 2023

De-dollarization? Not so fast…

The private sector's use of the US dollar for trade and investment, rather than the portfolio allocation choice of central banks, will shape the currency's status.
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Jun 27, 2023

Toasted, roasted and grilled? Walking the talk on green monetary policy

The ECB’s “climate talk” has helped increase the greenium, creating more favorable financing conditions for ESG issuers during a time of rising interest rates.
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wall of worries

Jun 20, 2023

Climbing the wall of worries - Summer Economic Outlook

Some larger economies slipped into recession earlier this year amid a difficult global economic outlook, with GDP growth averaging at only +2.5% and +2.3% in 2023-24, respectively.
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Jun 16, 2023

Automotive industry unplugged?

New car registrations in Europe are accelerating but remain in the slow lane as the market consolidates.
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biodiversity abatement

Jun 14, 2023

Biodiversity loss part II: portfolio impacts and A quantitative case study on pollination abatement measures

Costs for measures in Germany, for example, range from USD45mn for computer-assisted decision-support systems to over USD3.5bn for nematode application.
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sector margins

Jun 09, 2023

Past the peak – European corporate margins down again?

Eurozone corporate profit margins reached 40.8% of groww value-added at end-2022, but the devil is in the details.
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Jun 07, 2023

The right to work versus the right to retire

Only 51% of the population aged between 60 to 64 is still active in the Eurozone.
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sector financing risks

Jun 02, 2023

Sector vulnerability to rising financing costs

Five sectors stand out as the most exposed to financing stress: transportation, construction, hospitality, commodities and automotive.
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