Allianz trade global survey 2023

Jun 01, 2023

Allianz Trade Global Survey 2023: Testing resilience

Roughly 70% of the nearly 3,000 companies we surveyed expect business turnover generated through exports to increase in 2023, against close to 80% in the 2022 edition.
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corporate earnings Q1 2023

May 25, 2023

Earnings recession to catch up with corporates

All that glitters is not gold in the Q1 earnings season, with US earnings already in recession.
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commercial real estate Europe

May 25, 2023

European commercial real estate – selectivity matters!

The commercial real estate sector is getting squeezed by tightening financing conditions but prime assets have remained resilient.
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outbound fdi g7 China

May 17, 2023

G7 summit in Japan could trigger new protectionism phase

As the G7 gathers in Japan this weekend, the US is pushing its allies to adopt a coordinated set of restrictions on outbound investment to China.
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Allianz insurance report 2023

May 17, 2023

Allianz Global Insurance Report 2023 - Anchor in turbulent times

Despite higher inflation – or perhaps precisely because of it – premiums are set to increase by +5.2% p.a. over the next decade, adding EUR4,190bn to the global premium pool.
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UK inflation bank of England

May 11, 2023

Bank of England: First to hike, last to pause and pivot

As expected, the Bank of England increased interest rates by +25bps today, but it will have to contend with stickier-than-expected inflation ahead.
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May 09, 2023

The Chinese challenge for the European automotive industry

China leads the global electric vehicle landscape, selling over double the number of BEVs in 2022 compared to Europe and the US combined.
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May 05, 2023

European housing: home (un)sweet home?

Monetary policy tightening is threatening the European housing market.
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May 03, 2023

No quick wins: more jobs but little productivity in the Eurozone

The crisis-related damage to labor markets has not been as bad as expected amid changing consumer preferences and spending behavior.
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Result Count1927