policy rates ecb fed

Apr 28, 2023

Policy rates: end of the beginning or beginning of the end?

The Fed is on track to deliver a 25bps rate hike in the May FOMC meeting - the last rate hike in this cycle. But the ECB is unlikely to abandon its restrictive monetary stance.
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equity return

Apr 26, 2023

Unpacking returns on equity

In a context of higher inflation and financial instability on the one hand, and a just transition and deglobalization on the other, the drivers of Return on Equity (RoE) across geographies help identify risks and opportunities in equity markets.
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commercial real estate

Apr 21, 2023

Still working from home? US banks are getting worried

While the turbulence in the US banking sector seems contained for now, banks with widening asset-liabilities mismatches remain under pressure, especially those with large exposure to illiquid assets such as commercial real estate.
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allianz pension report 2023

Apr 18, 2023

Allianz Pension Report 2023: Reforming against the demographic clock

The Allianz Pension Index comprehensively assesses the sustainability and adequacy of pension systems around the world.
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Europe food inflation

Apr 14, 2023

European food inflation – hungry for profits?

Cooling commodity prices have not reduced food inflation in Europe.
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insolvency report 2023

Apr 11, 2023

No rest for the leveraged

Our Global Insolvency Index is set to jump by +21% in 2023 and +4% in 2024.
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US credit

Apr 06, 2023

US: Credit crunch in the making?

The Fed’s restrictive monetary policy will probably reach its peak impact around end 2023/early 2024, knocking US GDP by at least -2pps.
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industrial decarbonization

Apr 05, 2023

The green industrial revolution

To decarbonize its industrial sector, the EU28 countries need to invest EUR3bn per year between 2020 and 2030, and EUR9bn annually from 2030 to 2050.
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Mar 29, 2023

Everything everywhere all at once

Negative confidence effects from the near-death experience in the US banking sector and the unresolved energy situation in Europe will shape the rest of the year.
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