Quantitative tightening Eurozone

Jan 20, 2023

Quantitative tightening and debt repayment costs in the Eurozone

The ECB will start quantitative tightening in March, but the expected reduction of its balance sheet will be limited at the planned run-off rate of government bond holdings.
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Jan 17, 2023

Allianz Risk Barometer 2023: Cyber and business interruption top threats as economic and energy risks rise

Cyber incidents and business interruption rank as the biggest company concerns for the second year in succession.
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Pension reform in France

Jan 13, 2023

Pension reform in France: Bonjour tristesse

The current reform proposal in France has been met with considerable anger, seen as the end of savoir vivre. But the truth is that the reform barely goes far enough.
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Wealth and pensions in Asia

Jan 10, 2023

Wealth without pensions in Asia

Total gross financial assets in Asia reached a new record high, but the share of life and pension assets in private households’ portfolios kept declining.
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Economic outlook for 2023

Dec 15, 2022

Economic Outlook 23-24: Keep Calm and Carry On

The deteriorating energy crisis and tough policy choices have confirmed our forecast of slowing growth, higher inflation and rising interest rates. We expect global growth to slow to +1.4% in 2023.
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Economic impact of war in Europe

Dec 09, 2022

The economics of war, (and its aftermath)

As the war in Ukraine continues, what can we learn from the economic impacts of World War I on trade, production and prices in Europe?
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Eurozone household financial assets

Dec 08, 2022

Old lessons for a new world

In the last two years, German savers have started to embrace capital markets, resulting in additional savings of around EUR1,000 per capita.
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Dec 01, 2022

House of cards? Perspectives on European housing

Tightening financing conditions, slowing growth and soaring inflation are putting pressure on the European housing market.
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Nov 30, 2022

ESG – from confusion to action

While it is increasingly possible to evaluate the progress in the “E” in ESG, the situation is more challenging for the “S” and the “G”.
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