Oct 09, 2020

EUR100bn equity gap for French and Italian SMEs

On top of emergency liquidity measures provided to European SMEs to fight Covid-19, we estimate that Italian SMEs need EUR70bn of recapitalization, French SMEs EUR30bn, and German SMEs EUR3bn.
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Oct 09, 2020

The global aerospace industry faces a steep cost of contagion

The Covid-19 crisis has dealt a blow to new plane deliveries, putting aerospace players’ profitability at risk.
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Oct 09, 2020

EUR100bn equity gap for French and Italian SMEs

On top of emergency liquidity measures provided to European SMEs to fight Covid-19, we estimate that Italian SMEs need EUR70bn of recapitalization, French SMEs EUR30bn, and German SMEs EUR3bn.
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hidden unemployment US Eurozone

Oct 06, 2020

30 million unemployed go missing and with them USD14bn of monthly consumption

“Hidden unemployment” has helped conceal the true extent of labor market pain across key economies.
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Oct 02, 2020

U.S. & Eurozone corporates: where is the Fed?

As of today the ECB has intervened with the double firepower compared to the Fed.
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Oct 01, 2020

Inflation: Back to the 1970s?

In light of the brewing cocktail of post-pandemic economic trends, the probability of an inflationary overshoot has also risen.
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Sep 29, 2020

U.S. elections - We have a winner: Debt

Over the long-term, public debt will be the real winner of this election.
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Sep 24, 2020

Living on with a Covid-19 hum

A stop-and-go approach until the return to normal in 2022.
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Sep 23, 2020

Allianz Wealth Report 2020

The prosperity gap between rich and poor countries has widened again.
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Result Count1928